Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This week at the doc's

Hello all. Just got home form my doctor's visit and there has been no change! Yeah! The past couple of days really have not been as bad as I was expecting them to be. My mom has been taking extra good care of us and making sure that I am following the rules. So far so good. There was no change in dilation this morning, so we are staying the course for the next two weeks. The doc I saw today says that I can quit taking the meds AND get off bedrest at 36 weeks, which is 2 weeks from yesterday and just happens to be Sam's birthday. So, there you have it. We're doing well, behaving ourselves and hanging in there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure was glad to see this post...I just know that everything is going to be all right...tell Karen that all of us over here appreciate her due diligence...I know that she has been a blessing to the four of you, but, that's her job...(Jodie can explain)...love and praying for you all...Pop-Pop