Wednesday, August 13, 2008

32 Weeks and Counting...Possibly Quickly

Monday marked 32 weeks along. So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy, though very different from Sam's. I have been experiencing the famous Braxton Hicks contractions since about 16 weeks along - something I never felt with Sam. There are other things too, but I won't go into all of it. Today, we had our check up to see how this little girl is coming along. We measured about 33 weeks along, which didn't hurt my feelings at all. Sam was 2 weeks early and the thought of going all the way to October is a little daunting to me. But, when the doctor did the exam to check on dilation - something we weren't yet expecting, he found that I am already dialated 1 cm. He talked with a couple other docs in the practice and they decided not to give me the steriod for her lung development, but to go ahead and move me to a weekly patient instead. So, from here on out, we will be going weekly and the docs will check for dilation progress every week. If thing continue to progress prematurely, they may decide to give me the steriods at a later time. Today, I was told to start taking it easy (something that I do not come by easily) but did not go as far as to put me on bed rest. So, that's where we are today. I will give another update next week. In the mean time, please join us is praying for our little one - that God continue to help her grow and develop, that I can stay pregnant until she is good and ready to join us, and that I don't go absolutely insane trying to "Take it easy" and entertain big sister everyday too.

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