Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Momma Switch

Well, my mom headed home today and Jodie's mom joined the party. Sam was super excited to see and play with her Memom, so I think the next few days will be pretty good for her too. She's really getting the better end of this deal. So are the grandmothers, because she wants them to do everything and is not a bit interested in me. So we have been lucky so far. Of course I miss being her one and only, but I would much rather have it this way than for her to be needing me when I can't give her a whole lot. So, we are still here, still pregnant, and still resting.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This week at the doc's

Hello all. Just got home form my doctor's visit and there has been no change! Yeah! The past couple of days really have not been as bad as I was expecting them to be. My mom has been taking extra good care of us and making sure that I am following the rules. So far so good. There was no change in dilation this morning, so we are staying the course for the next two weeks. The doc I saw today says that I can quit taking the meds AND get off bedrest at 36 weeks, which is 2 weeks from yesterday and just happens to be Sam's birthday. So, there you have it. We're doing well, behaving ourselves and hanging in there.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Still Here!

We made it through the night without a single contraction, so we're still at home. That's a good thing because one of the nurses told us that the 3rd time is the charm and that the docs probably wouldn't let me go home again until we have a baby. So, we're here, resting at home. My mom is still here and handling Sam, which Sam absolutely loves. She will leave Thursday AM and Jodie's mom joins us for the weekend. More party time for Sam! She's really benefitting from all of this. So, anyway, I will post more when I can.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Home Again.....Again

Yeah - they let us go home! And just in the nick of time too, I was starting to go a little crazy! So we're at home in our bed and watching the Panther's Play. Let's hope we make it through the night!

Still Here, Still Pregnant!

We are still at the hospital but hope to try and go home again this afternoon. I had a few contractions last night and a couple more this morning, but nothing to write home about really. The doc put me back on the Procardia and they have stopped. We think that we have figured out what the problem is - dehydration. The contractions always come in the night, after it's been a few hours without drinking (it's a little hard to drink water and sleep at the same time). But they did not hook me back up to the IV since I can't go home with it. So, at 3, it will have been 24 hours without the IV. I want to stay til then and if all is well, head back home.

Thank you to everyone who has sent emails and posted comments. We appreciate everyone's support and prayers through this. And the number of you who have offered to help out with meals and with Sam has been overwhelming to say the least. Thank you all for everything.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Crazy 24 hours

Ready to read a book? So, 24 hours ago we were talking with the doctor about the fact that our contractions had stopped and that I was tollerating the Procardia (contraction stopping drug) fine, and he let us go home. YEAH!!!! We were really happy that we could go home and sit aroung watching TV there. Jodie took me home and settled me in on the couch and went out to get my prescription filled. We headed for bed around 11. Two and a half hours later, I woke up, about 30 minutes prior to the time for my next dose of meds. I lay there for a while and at 1:45am had the first contraction. But since it was so close to the time for my meds, I really didn't get concerned, as I just figured that the last dose had worn off and that as soon as the next one took effect, all would be fine. At 3:00am, after 5 or 6 more contractions, I woke Jodie up. We monitored them together for another hour. During that hour, Jodie began to wonder if the pharmacist had filled the prescription correctly and compared the bottle to my departure instructions. Not only was the prescription right, but I had taken 2 double doses by accident. At that point, we decided to call the doc. He was not worried that I had over medicated myself by accident, but did say that if the contractions continued for the next hour, to come back in. They continued, got closer together and more intense, so we left the house about 5:30 and headed back to the hospital. When we got here, the doc checked me and I had not dilated anymore since Wednesday, which is good. So he re-admitted me to the hospital and hooked me back up to the IV fluids. He made it sound like he was pretty convinced that we were going to have a baby today since I had been taking double the medicine and still having contractions like I was. However, shortly after being hooked up to the IV fluids (saline only) the contractions started to slow and then the intensity started to settle as well. It wasn't long before they stopped all together. At 3 this afternoon, they unhooked me from all of it and moved me to another room. The plan at this point is to take me off of the saline drip and the contraction meds for the night and see what happens. I think that the doc wants to test my body before sending us home again. So far so good. We are just playing the waiting game and try not to go too stir crazy. Other than that we are fine and Sam is having a ball wearing Nana out. We will post more later.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Food - Yeah!

Well, it's 11:20 and we don't have too much to tell. I did finally get to eat this morning, and though it was nothing to write home about, I was so hungry that luke warm eggs actually tasted good. I did pass on the grits though - no salt or pepper to be found!

Other than that, they have moved us from a labor room to a post-partum room. They have removed all the baby and contraction monitors and the IV feed. I will still be taking the drug that is supposed to stop labor and the antibiotics by pill. Right now, we think we may be heading home in the morning, but of course, no promises have been made. They still have not checked for more dilation - I think they don't want to trigger anything. I assume that I will be checked before discharge at the very least. We will keep you posted as we know more. Thanks for praying for our little one.

Morning Update

Last night the doc came in to take a look at the charts and wasn't completely satisfied, saying that he'd really like her to stay put another week. He was actually getting ready to feed me but changed his mind and decided to increase the dose of the medicine that is supposed to be slowing the contractions instead. So I sill haven't eaten since about 9:20 yesterday am. But, with the help of a little Ambien, I was able to get some pretty good rest. Despite the IV tubes and baby monitors that I am hooked up to and the comings and goings of nurses and meds and various alarms going off throughout the night (nothing to worry about - I ran out of IV fluids once, and the blood pressure cuff wasn't working right), I actually slept better last night than I have for the past week or so in my own bed! But,I am pretty sure that Jodie wouldn't agree - men get shafted in terms of sleep arrangements in labor rooms.

This morning the docs change shifts and we will get to see our main doctor. He should be in shortly and at that point I would assume that he will check for dilation and get his own base line for the nexy 24 hours. I am hoping that he will let me eat too! I will update later. Thanks for everything.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby Girl Update

Well, it looks like this little one is excited to be joining the outside world. We had our routine visit with the docs this morning and found that we are dilated 3+ cms. So, we were sent striaght to the hospital from the office. We checked in here around 11am or so. The doc started us on a drug that will slow/stop the contractions, anitbiotics to help fight off any infections that I may have/be exposed to, a steroid to help Girlie's lung development, and some IV fluids. I will be taking the drug that slows the contractions by pill every 4 hours and the antibiotic is through the IV and every 6 hours. I will have another shot of steroids tomorrow afternoon. They haven't checked me since about 12:30 or so, so we don't know if dilation has continued or slowed down yet. At this point, the ultimate goal is to get the steroids in me and contractions stopped and then get me back home on strict bedrest (I can only get up to potty and shower), hopefully staying pregnant for another few weeks. At the earliest, that will be Friday morning. At the very least, they want to stall labor until the full round of steroids has been administered. So, basically, we know nothing. We may have a baby by the weekend, maybe not. We have been told, however, that if we do have a baby, she will most likely be okay. She may have to spend some time in the NICU, but most likely not too long and for nothing major. Sam seems to be doing well. She was a little taken back when Mommy lost it this morning at the doc's office, but recovered from it quickly. She gave me a hug and told me that everything will be fine. We sent her to some friends' house to play for the afternoon until my mom could get here. Mom is here and she and Jodie are picking her up and bringing her to tell me good night before she and Mom head to the house for the night. Jodie will stay here with me. Please continue to pray for our girls and us. I will keep you all posted as we learn more. Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

32 Weeks and Counting...Possibly Quickly

Monday marked 32 weeks along. So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy, though very different from Sam's. I have been experiencing the famous Braxton Hicks contractions since about 16 weeks along - something I never felt with Sam. There are other things too, but I won't go into all of it. Today, we had our check up to see how this little girl is coming along. We measured about 33 weeks along, which didn't hurt my feelings at all. Sam was 2 weeks early and the thought of going all the way to October is a little daunting to me. But, when the doctor did the exam to check on dilation - something we weren't yet expecting, he found that I am already dialated 1 cm. He talked with a couple other docs in the practice and they decided not to give me the steriod for her lung development, but to go ahead and move me to a weekly patient instead. So, from here on out, we will be going weekly and the docs will check for dilation progress every week. If thing continue to progress prematurely, they may decide to give me the steriods at a later time. Today, I was told to start taking it easy (something that I do not come by easily) but did not go as far as to put me on bed rest. So, that's where we are today. I will give another update next week. In the mean time, please join us is praying for our little one - that God continue to help her grow and develop, that I can stay pregnant until she is good and ready to join us, and that I don't go absolutely insane trying to "Take it easy" and entertain big sister everyday too.