Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ultrasound Re-do

Whoohoo - we get to try again! The docs said that they did want to go ahead and try to get a better view of the heart, so we are heading back in for another ultrasound on May 29. And beleive me, between now and then me and this little one will have a few heart-to-heart chats about cooperating with the camara this time. When I talked to the docs this morning, they also told me that our AFP Test (the one that tests for Spina Bifida) came back negative. Yeah! We chose not to do any of the other tests, but we just knoe that our little one is just perfect, so no worries. Stay tuned to see the results on May 29. It's not too late to cast your vote for boy or girl over on the right side of you screen.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

No News!

Well, Jodie says "It's clearly a girl!" Whatever this baby is will remain a secret at least for another 3 or 4 weeks. He or she just would not cooperate! How about that? This child would not show us ANYTHING, not even enough to make an educated guess as to whether it is a boy or a girl. It's legs were crossed, and the "area" was behind a bone, so the ultrasound technician could not see a thing. She did say, though, that everything else looked great (Thank you God!) and that all the measurements were right on for an early October delivery. She is recommending another ultrasound because there was one view of the heart that she was not able to get, although I really think she is doing it for me. So, we will see what the doctors say and will keep you posted. Cross your fingers that we get to sneak back in there. But even if we don't, at least we know that our surprise is so far a healthy surprise!