Thursday, August 21, 2008

Morning Update

Last night the doc came in to take a look at the charts and wasn't completely satisfied, saying that he'd really like her to stay put another week. He was actually getting ready to feed me but changed his mind and decided to increase the dose of the medicine that is supposed to be slowing the contractions instead. So I sill haven't eaten since about 9:20 yesterday am. But, with the help of a little Ambien, I was able to get some pretty good rest. Despite the IV tubes and baby monitors that I am hooked up to and the comings and goings of nurses and meds and various alarms going off throughout the night (nothing to worry about - I ran out of IV fluids once, and the blood pressure cuff wasn't working right), I actually slept better last night than I have for the past week or so in my own bed! But,I am pretty sure that Jodie wouldn't agree - men get shafted in terms of sleep arrangements in labor rooms.

This morning the docs change shifts and we will get to see our main doctor. He should be in shortly and at that point I would assume that he will check for dilation and get his own base line for the nexy 24 hours. I am hoping that he will let me eat too! I will update later. Thanks for everything.

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